Address Property (Recipient Object) 

The Address property specifies the full address for this recipient. Read/write.



Data Type



Sets the value of the Recipient object s Address property to specify a custom address. The Recipient Address uses the following syntax:


where TypeValue and AddressValue correspond to the values of the AddressEntry1O6Y3BK object s TypeENBLQH and AddressLTH4O5 properties.

The Recipient object s Address property represents the full address, the complete messaging address used by the MAPI system.

The OLE Messaging Library sets the value of the Recipient object s Address property for you when you supply the Name2K9E3V. property and call its Resolve4APNYUP method.

The Address property corresponds to the MAPI properties PR_ADDRTYPE and PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS.


' from the sample function Util_CompareAddressParts

    strMsg = "Recipient full address = " & objOneRecip.Address

    strMsg = strMsg & "; AddressEntry type = " & objAddrEntry.Type

    strMsg = strMsg & "; AddressEntry address = " & objAddrEntry.Address

    MsgBox strMsg    ' compare address components